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Status in Research on Effect of Grounding System on Regional Cathodic Protection and Solution

摘    要
标    签 接地系统   区域阴极保护   电化学性能   防护措施   grounding system   regional cathodic protection   electrochemical property   protective measure  
Grounding and regional cathodic protection technology protect gas stations in term of electrical safety and anti-corrosion respectively. The common bonding of grounding grids to underground pipelines and storage tanks creates a big effect on the regional cathodic protection system due to the differences of materials and surface conditions between grounding system and buried pipelines or storage tanks, which can impact the protective effect and design difficulty. This paper summarizes domestic and overseas researches about the effect of grounding on regional cathodic protection system and introduces the related protective measures. The key problems are indicated and the development trend in this field is predicted.

中图分类号 TG174.41


所属栏目 专论

基金项目 国家自然科学基金(51101015); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(FRF-TP-12-145A)

收稿日期 2013/12/17





引用该论文: WU Guang-chun,DU Yan-xia,LU Min-xu,JIANG Zi-tao,TANG De-zhi. Status in Research on Effect of Grounding System on Regional Cathodic Protection and Solution[J]. Corrosion & Protection, 2014, 35(11): 1065

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