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Principle and Application of Testing Device for Sorption Characteristics under Conditions of Variable Temperature, Variable Pressure and Constant Volume

摘    要
针对制导武器专用热电池在运行时内部温度、气压剧变的问题, 开发了一种变温、变压、恒容条件下材料吸气性能测试装置。运用理想气体模型, 对装置过渡温区进行设计和修正, 使其达到精度要求, 并利用该装置有效表征了Li-B基吸气材料在变温、变压、恒容条件下的吸气性能。
标    签 变温变压恒容   吸气性能测试装置   Li-B基吸气材料   variable temperature, variable pressure and constant volume   testing devive for sorption characteristics   Li-B based getter  
A testing device for sorption characteristics under conditions of variable temperature, variable pressure and constant volume had been designed on the issues of rapid change of temperature and pressure during the running of thermal battery used for guided weapon. The transition region had met the accuracy requirement after being designed and modified on the basis of the assumption of ideal gases. The absorbing behavior of Li-B based getter could be effectively characterized by the designed testing device under conditions of variable temperature, variable pressure and constant volume.

中图分类号 TH812


所属栏目 试验设备及应用


收稿日期 2013/12/20




备注欧振德(1989-),男, 学士。

引用该论文: OU Zhen-de,LIU Zhi-jian,WANG Mao-an,HUANG Hai-feng. Principle and Application of Testing Device for Sorption Characteristics under Conditions of Variable Temperature, Variable Pressure and Constant Volume[J]. Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis part A:Physical Testing, 2014, 50(4): 287~291
欧振德,刘志坚,王茂安,黄海锋. 一种变温变压恒容吸气性能测试装置的原理及应用[J]. 理化检验-物理分册, 2014, 50(4): 287~291

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