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Research Progress of Container Materials for High Level Radioactive Waste

摘    要
高放废物安全处置的各项研究工作中, 废物包装容器的选材及在处置环境下的腐蚀性问题是重点内容之一。各国针对高放废物的地质处置库概念设计中, 对拟选高放废物容器包装材料的腐蚀速率、腐蚀产物、使用寿命及影响因素进行了实验测试和分析。国外关于高放废物包装容器的研究经验对我国开展相关工作具有积极的借鉴意义。
标    签 高放废物   处置库   腐蚀   影响因素   high level radioactive waste   repository   corrosion   influencing factor  
Material selection and corrosion of waste container are important for the high level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal. For the concept design of geological repositories of HLW, several countries have tested and analyzed the corrosion rate, corrosion products and natural life of the materials that are suitable for HLW containers, influencing factors also have been investigated. Those are significant for the relevant work in China.

中图分类号 TG172.1 TL942


所属栏目 专论

基金项目 国家自然科学基金重点项目(No.50604032)

收稿日期 2010/3/22

修改稿日期 2010/6/12




引用该论文: WANG Qing-hai,LIU Yan,SI Gao-hua,SHEN Zhong,HE Yi-feng. Research Progress of Container Materials for High Level Radioactive Waste[J]. Corrosion & Protection, 2011, 32(1): 40

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