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Velocity Effect Analysis of Dynamic Magnetization in High Speed Detection for Rail Crack Using MFL Method

摘    要
在高速运动条件下采用直流励磁磁轭法对钢轨裂纹损伤进行漏磁巡检时,检测装置的移动速度会给裂纹检测信号带来影响。笔者从理论模型分析、有限元仿真和高速巡检试验三个方面对其进行了研究。高速漏磁巡检时,提高巡检速度使得磁化过程时间缩短,将导致材料磁化强度降低,并且运动的磁化场会导致钢轨中产生涡电流。研究结果表明,相对于涡电流作用,材料磁化强度降低是影响裂纹漏磁检测信号的主要因素;试验条件下,在0~200 km/h速度范围内可以实现钢轨裂纹的有效检测,且提高巡检速度会使得裂纹漏磁检测信号的幅值增大。
标    签 钢轨裂纹   漏磁检测   高速巡检   动态磁化   Rail crack   Magnetic flux leakage testing   High speed inspection   Dynamic magnetization  
Rapid relative motion between the detection device with the DC exciter magnetic yoke and measured rail track impacts on detection signal under the condition of Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) detection for rail crack defects at high speed. This paper investigates the velocity effect of magnetization in high speed MFL detection from three aspects, including theoretical model analysis, finite element simulation and high-speed detection experiment. Improving the detection speed will shorten the time of magnetization process and weaken the material magnetization intensity during the high speed MFL detection. Movement of the magnetic field will produce eddy current in the rail track. Research results show that the decrease of material magnetization intensity is the main influential factor for detection signal, compared with the eddy current effect. Within the scope of 200 km/h, MFL method can realize the effective detection for rail crack defects, and improving the detection speed results in the increase of MFL detection signal amplitude.

中图分类号 TG115.28


所属栏目 2013远东无损检测新技术论坛论文精选

基金项目 FP7 “NDE and SHM for Health Monitoring of Offshore Wind Farm (HEMOW)” (FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IRSES);上海铁路局“高速铁路无缝钢轨温度应力与裂纹检测系统”资助项目。

收稿日期 2013/6/17





引用该论文: GAO Yun-Lai,WANG Ping,TIAN Gui-Yun,WANG Hai-Tao,XIONG Long-Hui,HAO Si-Si. Velocity Effect Analysis of Dynamic Magnetization in High Speed Detection for Rail Crack Using MFL Method[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2013, 35(10): 53~58
高运来,王平,田贵云,王海涛,熊龙辉,郝思思. 钢轨裂纹高速漏磁巡检中的动态磁化及速度效应分析[J]. 无损检测, 2013, 35(10): 53~58

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