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The Application Status of Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometric Nondestructive Testing

摘    要
标    签 光学检测   激光   电子散斑   Optical testing   Laser   TV-holography  
Based on modern high technologies such as laser, video, electronics, image processing and holography, ESPI(Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry) is a non-contact measuring method, which can measure the small static and dynamitic surface deformations and reveal flaws by looking for flaw-induced deformation anomalies. With the advantages of high precision, high sensitivity, wide frequency bandwidth and full-field real-time testing, it has a promising future in engineering. Its basic theory and recent applications in nondestructive testing are reviewed. Finally, its scope for improvement is discussed.

中图分类号 TG115.28


所属栏目 综 述

基金项目 航天支撑技术基金资助项目

收稿日期 2005/6/2




引用该论文: LIU Long,MENG Guang. The Application Status of Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometric Nondestructive Testing[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2006, 28(1): 28~30
刘 龙,孟 光. 电子散斑干涉无损检测技术的应用现状[J]. 无损检测, 2006, 28(1): 28~30

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