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Modeling and Analysis of the Influence of Heating Parameters on Surface Temperature Signals

摘    要
为了研究加热参数(包括加热时间、热流密度和加热量)对表面温度信号的影响, 使用有限元法对二维和三维模型进行了仿真分析, 得出了以下结论: 有缺陷区与无缺陷区的最大温差主要受加热量的影响, 随加热量的增加而增大; 最大温度对比度及其出现时间和有缺陷区与无缺陷区的最大温差出现时间对热流密度的改变不敏感, 但是会受到加热时间的影响; 对于碳纤维增强塑料, 最大温度对比度表现出较强的稳定性, 说明该参数更能够反映出缺陷本身的特征, 有助于缺陷的定量计算; 对于铝类热扩散率高的材料, 高热流密度和短时加热是一种更为合适的加热方式。
标    签 红外热像检测   加热   计算机仿真   有限元法   Infrared thermographic testing   Heating   Numerical simulation   Finite element method  
To study the influence of heating parameters, including heating pulse duration, heat flux density and heating energy, on surface temperature signals, a 2D model for carbon fiber reinforced plastic sample and a 3D model for aluminum sample were investigated and solved by finite element method(FEM). Calculation results showed that the differential temperature between defect and sound areas depended on heating energy, and it got greater while the heating energy increasing. Maximum temperature contrast, differential temperature peak time and best observation time were less sensitive to the change of heat flux density, but affected by heating pulse duration. Maximum temperature contrast was less affected by heating parameters when materials were carbon fiber reinforced plastics(CFRP), so it had more relations to defects and could be used for quantitative analysis of defects. Great heat flux density and short heating pulse was a better choice for detecting defects in metal materials with greater thermal diffusivity, such as aluminum.

中图分类号 TG115.28


所属栏目 科研成果与学术交流


收稿日期 2008/11/3




备注刘颖韬(1976-), 男, 工学硕士, 工程师, 主要从事机械设计和红外热像无损检测技术研究。

引用该论文: LIU Ying-Tao,GUO Xing-Wang,GUO Guang-Ping. Modeling and Analysis of the Influence of Heating Parameters on Surface Temperature Signals[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2009, 31(7): 534~537
刘颖韬,郭兴旺,郭广平. 加热参数对表面温度信号的影响的建模与分析[J]. 无损检测, 2009, 31(7): 534~537

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