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Application Progress of TOFD Technique in China

摘    要
自2001年来, TOFD检测技术因其高可靠性、高精度、廉价以及高效的优点, 被广泛地应用于国内的锅炉、压力容器和压力管道的检测中。对TOFD检测技术在国内的应用与发展作详细介绍。分析TOFD检测技术原理的同时, 指出了其优缺点。同超声检测技术相比较, TOFD检测技术更适用于对压力容器、锅炉的检测。最后列举了国内TOFD检测技术在用标准, 并对其发展趋势作了预测。相信, 自主研发的设备及相应关键技术将是国内今后发展的重要方向。
标    签 超声   TOFD检测技术   纵波   缺陷   标准   Ultrasonic   TOFD technique   Longitudinal wave   Defect   Standard  
With the characteristics of high reliability, high quantitative precision, low cost and high efficiency, the time of flight diffraction (TOFD) technique is widely applied to many aspects such as boiler, pressure vessel and pressure piping inspection in China since 2001. In this paper, the application of TOFD technique in China is introduced and discussed. The principle of TOFD was introduced, in which the advantages and disadvantages were pointed out. Then, the application and the development of the technique are discussed in detail. Compared with other ultrasonic techniques, the TOFD is fit for pressure vessels and boils much more. Finally, the existing standards and development trend of standards about TOFD in China are enumerated. Furthermore, we believe that homemade research on key technique and equipment is the important development direction in future in China.

中图分类号 TG115.28


所属栏目 Selected Excellent Papers of 2009 Far East NDT Forum






引用该论文: LIU Fu-Jun,DING Shou-Bao,HU Dong-Ming,GUO Xiao-Lian,KONG Shuai. Application Progress of TOFD Technique in China[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2009, 31(10): 762~768
刘富君,丁守宝,胡东明,郭小联,孔帅. 国内TOFD检测技术的应用进展[J]. 无损检测, 2009, 31(10): 762~768

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