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On-Line EMAT Detecting System for Wheelset Tread Based on FPGA

摘    要
为了提高我国当前列车轮对的检测效率, 设计了一种基于FPGA的列车轮对踏面电磁超声在线检测系统。该系统将电磁超声检测技术与FPGA应用技术相结合, 采用基于FPGA的可编程片上系统技术, 实现了电磁超声信号发射/接收、数据采集、微弱信号检测以及存储显示等, 充分发挥了FPGA在运算速度和设计灵活性上的优势。试验表明, 系统具有较高的检测精度和检测效率, 可在列车运行速度<20 km/h时成功检测出轮对踏面上深度>2 mm的人工缺陷。
标    签 轮对踏面   电磁超声检测   微弱信号检测   Wheelset tread’s defects   Electromagnetic ultrasound testing   Weak signal detection  
An on-line EMAT detecting system for wheelset tread based on FPGA was developed to improve the detecting efficiency of wheelset. Combining EMAT with SOPC technology based on FPGA, this system fully took advantage of FPGA in design flexibility and processing speed. It could achieve transmission and reception of the electromagnetic ultrasonic surface wave, data acquisition, weak signal detection, storage and display. Experiments showed that the system possessed high detecting accuracy and efficiency, which could detect an artificial defect that is deeper than 2 mm on wheelset tread when the trains speed was slower than 20 km/h.

中图分类号 TP23 TG115.28


所属栏目 仪器研制

基金项目 铁道部科技研究开发计划重点课题资助项目(2009G018-E)

收稿日期 2009/8/14




备注米武军(1986-), 男, 硕士研究生, 主要从事基于电磁超声的无损检测研究。

引用该论文: MI Wu-Jun,KANG Lei,WANG Shu-Juan,FENG Jian-Zhao,ZHAI Guo-Fu. On-Line EMAT Detecting System for Wheelset Tread Based on FPGA[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2010, 32(7): 519~523
米武军,康 磊,王淑娟,冯剑钊,翟国富. 基于FPGA的轮对踏面电磁超声在线检测系统[J]. 无损检测, 2010, 32(7): 519~523


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