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Simultaneous Fluorospectrophotometric Determination of Norfloxacin and Levofloxacin in Plasma Using the Algorithm of 2nd Order Calibration

摘    要
应用三维荧光技术,结合化学计量学中的二阶校正算法,在诺氟沙星和左氧氟沙星荧光光谱严重重叠,以及干扰物质存在下对血浆中两种喹诺酮类药物进行了同时定量分析.三维荧光激发波长范围265~510 nm,发射波长范围300~650 nm.交替不对称三线性分解(AATLD)算法解析得到的诺氟沙星和左氧氟沙星的平均回收率分别为96.9%和103.9%.方法前处理简单、不需预先分离、可以快速定量分析血浆中光谱相互干扰的待测药物的含量.
标    签 荧光光度法   二阶校正   诺氟沙星   左氧氟沙星   Fluorospectrophotometry   2nd Order calibration   Norfloxacin   Levofloxacin  
Simultaneous determination of norfloxacin and levofloxacin by fluorospectrophotometry with scanning in the excitation wavelength range of 265-510 nm and in the emission wavelength range of 300-650 nm. Data of fluorescence intensity measured were treated by the algorithms of 2nd order calibration and 3-dimensional data array analysis. As analyzed by the algorithm of AATLD,values of average recovery of 96.9% (for norfloxacin) and 103.9% (for levofloxacin) were found. It was shown by the analytical results of the method proposed,the interferences due to overlapping of fluorescence spectra of the 2 analytes and also those unknown co-existing substances present in the sample,were effectively eliminated. The present method was proved to be simple and rapid for analysis of plasma samples without the necessity of pre-separation.

中图分类号 O657.31


所属栏目 试验与研究

基金项目 河南教育厅科研基金资助(2008A150009);河南工业大学博士基金(2006BS010);湖南大学国化学、生物传感与国家重点实验室开放基金(2007009)

收稿日期 2009/4/3





引用该论文: HU Le-qian,YIN Chun-ling,WEI Zhi-lei. Simultaneous Fluorospectrophotometric Determination of Norfloxacin and Levofloxacin in Plasma Using the Algorithm of 2nd Order Calibration[J]. Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis part B:Chemical Analysis, 2009, 45(12): 1357~1360
胡乐乾,尹春玲,魏志垒. 应用二阶校正算法-荧光分光光度法同时测定血浆中诺氟沙星和左氧氟沙星胡乐乾,尹春玲,魏志垒[J]. 理化检验-化学分册, 2009, 45(12): 1357~1360

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