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Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Cast Steel for Pressure Regulating Valve Body of Natural Gas Transportation

摘    要
以天然气分输减压阀阀体用1.6220铸钢为研究对象, 采用低温拉伸以及低温冲击试验方法研究了其热轧态和调质态的力学性能随试验温度的变化规律, 获得了其韧脆转变温度, 观察了不同温度下冲击试样的断口形貌。结果表明: 随着试验温度的降低, 该铸钢的屈服强度和抗拉强度显著提高, 断面收缩率和伸长率逐渐下降; 调质处理明显改善了铸钢的低温力学性能, 调质态铸钢的屈服强度、抗拉强度、塑性均比热轧态的高, 韧脆转变温度由热轧态的2.76 ℃降低到-14.46 ℃; 随着温度的降低, 铸钢的断裂形式由韧性断裂向解理断裂转变。
标    签 1.6220铸钢   低温   力学性能   韧脆转变温度   1.6220 cast steel   low temperature   mechanical property   ductile-brittle transition temperature  
With 1.6220 cast steel for pressure regulating valve body of natural gas transportation as the research object, the change law of mechanical properties versus temperature of the hot rolled and quenched & tempered cast steels was studied by the low temperature tensile test and impact test, and then the ductile-brittle transition temperature was calculated. The fracture morphology at different temperatures was also observed. The results show that with the decrease of the temperature, the yield strength and tensile strength of the cast steel increased and the percentage reduction of area and elongation reduced. The quenching and tempering treatment significantly improved the low temperature mechanical properties of the cast steel. The yield strength, tensile strength and plasticity of the quenched & tempered cast steel were higher than those of hot rolled one, and the ductile-brittle transition temperature of the cast steel in quenching & tempering state decreased to -14.46 ℃ from 2.76 ℃ in hot rolled state. With the temperature decrease, the fracture pattern of the cast steel changed from cleavage fracture into dimple fracture.

中图分类号 TH142.3   DOI 10.11973/jxgccl201601014

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所属栏目 材料性能及其应用

基金项目 中国石油天然气股份有限公司科研项目(KY-KJ-13-052); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(27R1403018A)

收稿日期 2014/11/1

修改稿日期 2015/8/25



备注李玉坤(1973-), 男, 山东新泰人, 副教授, 博士。

引用该论文: LI Yu-kun,YOU Ze-guang,XIAO Ming,ZOU Xue-fei. Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Cast Steel for Pressure Regulating Valve Body of Natural Gas Transportation[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2016, 40(1): 56~61
李玉坤,尤泽广,肖铭,邹雪飞. 天然气分输减压阀阀体用铸钢的低温力学性能[J]. 机械工程材料, 2016, 40(1): 56~61

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