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Diffusion Path Analysis Model and Its Application to the Oxidation of Nickel-based Alloys in High Temperature Water

摘    要
针对Inconel 600和Inconel 690合金在高温高压水环境中生成的腐蚀氧化膜, 提出了扩散路径分析模型, 阐明了氧化膜微观结构及其形成机理。基于氧化膜成分、合金成分、以及环境因素, 构建了Inconel 600及Inconel 690合金的Ni-Cr-H2O三元相图。Inconel 600合金高温高压水腐蚀的扩散路径表明, 其氧化膜由内层Cr2O3与外层FeCr2O4尖晶石构成。通过Inconel 690合金高温高压水腐蚀的扩散路径分析可知, 氧化膜由单一的Cr2O3构成。扩散路径分析结果表明, 在Inconel 600氧化膜中, O2-比Cr3+具有更高的扩散速率, 而在Inconel 690氧化膜中, O2-的迁移率较低, 所受阻力较大, 从而使得Inconel 600和Inconel 690合金氧化膜呈现出不同的微观结构。
标    签 扩散路径分析模型   镍基合金   高温水氧化   diffusion path analysis (DPA) model   nickel-based alloy   oxidation in high temperature water  
A model of diffusion path analysis (DPA) was proposed to describe the microstructure and formation mechanism of oxide films on Inconel 600 and Inconel 690 in high-temperature and high-pressure water. First, a Ni-Cr-H2O ternary phase diagram was plotted according to the known composition of the alloys and oxide films, along with the environment factors. The diffusion path describing the oxidation of Inconel 600 in high-temperature and high-pressure water indicated that the surface films consisted of Cr2O3 inner layer and FeCr2O4 outer layer. According to the DPA for Inconel 690, the surface film was composed of Cr2O3 entirely. The diffusivity of O2- was higher than that of Cr3+ in surface films on Inconel 600. The Cr2O3 film formed on Inconel 690 had a higher resistance to the transportation of oxygen through the film, and thus the mobility of oxygen was low. As a consequence, the surface films formed on Inconel 600 and Inconel 690 exhibited different microstructures.

中图分类号 TG172.82   DOI 10.11973/fsyfh-201606014


所属栏目 应用技术

基金项目 国家核电技术有限公司资助项目(2015SN010-006)

收稿日期 2016/1/16




备注汪峰(1977-), 高级工程师, 博士, 主要从事核电材料腐蚀研究,

引用该论文: WANG Feng,Thomas M. Devine. Diffusion Path Analysis Model and Its Application to the Oxidation of Nickel-based Alloys in High Temperature Water[J]. Corrosion & Protection, 2016, 37(6): 498

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