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Assessment Methods and Progress of Fitness-for-service for Polyethylene Pipes after Fire Damage

摘    要
标    签 受火损伤   合乎使用   聚乙烯管道   安全评定   fire damage   fitness-for-service   polyethylene pipe   safety assessment  
After a fire accident, the nonmetal pipe near the fire ground will be affected by the fire or the heat, which may cause damage or performance deterioration of the pipe. The safety assessment of fire damaged pipe involves fitness-for-service assessment technique. However, the existed standards and specifications of fitness-for-service assessment are almost all about metallic materials. There is little fitness-for-service assessment research concerning polymer materials and polymer pipes at home and abroad. In this paper, the commonly used assessment standards and specifications of structure integrity of components after heating were summarized. The assessment method and characterization method of polyethylene pipes were proposed through analysis and comparison.

中图分类号 TQ325.1+2   DOI 10.11973/lhjy-wl201704002


所属栏目 综述

基金项目 国家质量监督检验检疫总局基金资助项目(201410024)

收稿日期 2016/7/11





引用该论文: GUO Si-min,TANG Xiao-ying,ZUO Yan-tian,YANG Zhen-guo. Assessment Methods and Progress of Fitness-for-service for Polyethylene Pipes after Fire Damage[J]. Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis part A:Physical Testing, 2017, 53(4): 235~239
郭思敏,汤晓英,左延田,杨振国. 受火损伤后聚乙烯管道合乎使用评定方法与进展[J]. 理化检验-物理分册, 2017, 53(4): 235~239

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