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Inspection of Water Content Gradients in Concrete with Ground Penetrating Radar

摘    要
标    签 探地雷达   混凝土   含水量梯度   波导   ground penetrating radar   concrete   water content gradient   waveguide  
In recent years, many studies have been done on concrete about the detection of its water content, since it is one of the main causes of degradation. In this study, an experimental set-up of imbibition by capillary effects is used to model the water transfer in concrete. The main objective is to monitor the water transfer through time by electromagnetic (EM) guided waves. The new empirical model-arctan(x) was applied to the experiments on concrete slabs of imbibition. The water content distributions measured by gammadensimetry are set as reference. The results show that the combination of the multi-layer waveguide (WG) model and ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements allowed to estimate the gradient curves inside concrete slabs.

中图分类号 TG115.28   DOI 10.11973/wsjc201710004


所属栏目 2019远东无损检测新技术论坛论文精选


收稿日期 2017/6/25





引用该论文: XIAO Xiaoting,TIAN Guiyun,GAO Bin,GERALDINE Villain,XAVIER Derobert. Inspection of Water Content Gradients in Concrete with Ground Penetrating Radar[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2017, 39(10): 17~20
肖小汀,田贵云,高斌,GERALDINEVillain,XAVIERDerobert. 探地雷达检测混凝土内含水量梯度[J]. 无损检测, 2017, 39(10): 17~20

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