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Automated Eddy Current Testing System for Quality Control of Valve Push Rod

摘    要
标    签 气门推杆   质量控制   无损检测   涡流检测   表面缺陷   valve push rod   quality control   nondestructive testing   eddy current testing   surface defect  
Manual inspection is employed to identify defects in valve push rod for quality control, which has some unacceptable drawbacks such as inefficiency, susceptibility to undetected defect, and unreliability. In this work, eddy current testing based on electromagnetic induction principle is proposed to nondestructively evaluate the quality of valve push rods. The designed automated eddy current system consists of mechanical structure, electrical control and eddy current instrument. The valve push rods are able to be automatically loaded, transmitted, inspected and sorted in order through the developed system for quality examination. Subsequently, a finite element model is built to investigate the change of eddy current signals when the distance between the probe and the ball of a push rod increases. The signal analysis enables one to determine the non-detection zone of valve push rods. Finally, 100 valve push rods are selected randomly from the acceptable products through manual inspection, and five of them are identified to be defective. The results from the following manual inspection agree well with those from the developed automated eddy current system, which suggests that the developed system is superior in terms of efficiency and reliability.

中图分类号 TG115.28   DOI 10.11973/wsjc201807015


所属栏目 仪器研制

基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51677187,61701500)

收稿日期 2017/12/12





引用该论文: FAN Mengbao,CAO Binghua,WANG Qi. Automated Eddy Current Testing System for Quality Control of Valve Push Rod[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2018, 40(7): 69~74
范孟豹,曹丙花,王琪. 气门推杆质量控制的自动化涡流检测系统[J]. 无损检测, 2018, 40(7): 69~74

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