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On-line Monitoring of High Temperature Pipeline Wall Thickness Based on the Shear Horizontal Ultrasonic Guided Wave

摘    要
标    签 高温管道   壁厚监测   超声导波   水平剪切导波   压电陶瓷   high temperature pipeline   wall thickness monitoring   ultrasonic guided wave   shear horizontal guided wave   piezoelectric ceramic  
In this paper, an on-line monitoring method of high temperature pipeline wall thickness based on the shear horizontal(SH) guided wave was developed. It uses a strip waveguide as thermal buffer structure to quickly insulate the piezoelectric transducer from high temperature pipelines, and at the same time, a non-dispersive SH guided wave is delivered through the waveguide for measuring wall thickness. A method of excitation and reception of non-dispersive shear horizontal guided wave in strip waveguides was proposed, and a dry coupling clamping device between waveguides and high temperature pipeline was designed. Finally, the feasibility of SH ultrasonic guided wave method for on-line monitoring of high temperature (600℃) pipeline wall thickness was verified by experiments.

中图分类号 TG115.28   DOI 10.11973/wsjc201909001


所属栏目 无损检测新技术发展与应用专题

基金项目 自然科学基金面上项目(11672003)

收稿日期 2019/6/10





引用该论文: WANG Gang,LI Faxin. On-line Monitoring of High Temperature Pipeline Wall Thickness Based on the Shear Horizontal Ultrasonic Guided Wave[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2019, 41(9): 1~6
王刚,李法新. 基于水平剪切超声导波的高温管道壁厚在线监测[J]. 无损检测, 2019, 41(9): 1~6

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