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电弧熔丝增材制造460 MPa级建筑钢十向节点用药芯丝材的开发及应用
Development and Application of Flux Cored Wire for Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing of 460 MPa Grade Building Ten-Directional Steel Point

摘    要
标    签 建筑钢十向节点   电弧熔丝增材制造   药芯丝材   工艺性能   力学性能   building ten-directional steel point   wire-arc additive manufacturing   flux cored wire   process performance   mechanical property  
Based on the nominal chemical composition of Q460 steel, the composition of a special flux cored wire was designed for the wire-arc additive manufacturing of building ten-directional steel point. The flux cored wire was prepared and its process performance was studied. The building ten-directional steel point was fabricated by the wire-arc additive manufacturing technique with this flux cored wire, and the dimensional accuracy, microstructure and mechanical properties were studied. The results show that the flux cored wire prepared by the experiments had stable arc and small spatter during the wire-arc additive manufactuning. No cracks, pores and other defects were formed in the depositing metal. The forming accuracy of the ten-directional building steel point by the wire-arc additive manufacturing with the flux cored wire met the requirements. The microstructure consisted of fine ferrite and little pearlite. The tensile properties and impact performance at room temperature and -40℃ met the mechanical property requirements of the traditional building ten-directional steel point of Q460 steel.

中图分类号 TG422.3 TU391   DOI 10.11973/jxgccl201910006


所属栏目 新材料 新工艺

基金项目 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFB1103200)

收稿日期 2018/9/22

修改稿日期 2019/8/27




引用该论文: DAI Yili,YU Shengfu,SHI Yusheng,LIU Shu. Development and Application of Flux Cored Wire for Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing of 460 MPa Grade Building Ten-Directional Steel Point[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2019, 43(10): 24~29
代轶励,余圣甫,史玉升,刘曙. 电弧熔丝增材制造460 MPa级建筑钢十向节点用药芯丝材的开发及应用[J]. 机械工程材料, 2019, 43(10): 24~29

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