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Influence of Staircase Fatigue Test Data Closed or Not onStatistical Estimation of Material Fatigue Strength

摘    要
标    签 疲劳强度   标准偏差   升降法   试验数据闭合   fatigue strength   standard deviation   staircase method   closed test data  
Two types of unclosed staircase chart were cited, and reasonable assumptions were made on the test results that may appear during the staircase fatigue test. The effect of test data closed or not on the fatigue strength was analyzed when the fatigue strength was statistically estimated by the staircase method. The results show that when the last-level stress in the staircase chart of unclosed test data was lower than the first effective stress, the statistically estimated fatigue strength after subsequent supplementary of hypothetical staircase chart was also lower than the statistically estimated fatigue strength from the original unclosed fatigue test staircase chart. When the last-level stress of the staircase chart of unclosed test data was higher than the first effective stress, the statistically estimated fatigue strength after subsequent supplementary of hypothetical staircase chart was also higher than the statistically estimated fatigue strength from the original unclosed fatigue test staircase chart. Even if test data was not closed, the fatigue strength statistically estimated from failure events and non-failure events may be equal.

中图分类号 TG115.5   DOI 10.11973/jxgccl202101007


所属栏目 试验研究

基金项目 虹口区产学研项目(19HKC01)

收稿日期 2020/8/11

修改稿日期 2020/11/26




引用该论文: ZHENG Cheng,LU Qi,LI Hongtao. Influence of Staircase Fatigue Test Data Closed or Not onStatistical Estimation of Material Fatigue Strength[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2021, 45(1): 41~45
郑程,卢奇,李洪涛. 升降法试验数据闭合与否对统计估计材料疲劳强度的影响[J]. 机械工程材料, 2021, 45(1): 41~45

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