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Cracking Cause of Exhaust Valve Turbulence Hood at Turbine Side of a Nuclear Power Plant

摘    要
标    签 紊流罩   交变载荷   应力集中   裂纹萌生   疲劳开裂   turbulence hood   alternating load   stress concentration   crack initiation   fatigue cracking  
The cracking reason of the exhaust valve turbulent hood at turbine side of a nuclear power plant was analyzed by fracture morphology observation, chemical composition test, microstructure analysis and mechanical performance test. The results show that the cracking mode of the turbulent hood was fatigue brittle cracking. The chemical composition of material did not meet the standard, which reduced its strength. The positioning holes on the upper end of the turbulence hood were not centered during installation. The wear and vibration produced by the airflow during working process made a relatively large stress concentration in this location, leading to crack initiation in outer flange surface of the turbulence hood. Under long-term cyclic thermal stresses, the cracks propagated along the section with the smallest bearing capacity, leading to cracking of the turbulent hood. It was suggested to take material re-inspection measures , thereby reducing the inflow of unqualified materials and to take strict requirements for installation process to avoid misalignment, thereby reducing stress concentation caused by wear and vibration.

中图分类号 TG111.8   DOI 10.11973/jxgccl202107018


所属栏目 失效分析


收稿日期 2020/4/19

修改稿日期 2021/1/7




引用该论文: LEI Xin,FANG Li,JIAO Shaoyang,CHEN Jun,CHEN Chao,TAI Jiang. Cracking Cause of Exhaust Valve Turbulence Hood at Turbine Side of a Nuclear Power Plant[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2021, 45(7): 100~103
雷欣,方力,焦少阳,陈俊,陈超,邰江. 某核电站汽轮机旁排阀紊流罩开裂原因[J]. 机械工程材料, 2021, 45(7): 100~103

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