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Research Status on Pore in Aluminum Alloy Parts by Wireand Arc Additive Manufacturing

摘    要
标    签 电弧熔丝增材制造   铝合金   气孔     wire and arc additive manufacturing   aluminum alloy   pore   hydrogen  
The stress concentration generated by the pores in aluminum alloy by wire and arc additive manufacturing leads to the initiation and propagation of initial cracks, resulting in the deterioration of mechanical properties. The porosity formation cause of aluminum alloy parts by wire and arc additive manufacturing is introduced. The effects of shielding gas, welding speed, wire feeding speed, metal wire material, heat input, rolling and heat treatment on porosity are described. The future research direction of reducing porosity in aluminum alloy parts by wire and arc additive manufacturing is prospected.

中图分类号 TG661   DOI 10.11973/jxgccl202111017


所属栏目 专题报道(增材制造)

基金项目 上海市大学生创新活动计划项目(202010259097)

收稿日期 2020/11/23

修改稿日期 2021/10/20




引用该论文: NIE Wenzhong,ZENG Jiayi,LI Xiaoxuan,QIU Weihao. Research Status on Pore in Aluminum Alloy Parts by Wireand Arc Additive Manufacturing[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2021, 45(11): 97~102
聂文忠,曾嘉艺,李晓萱,邱渭濠. 电弧熔丝增材制造铝合金零件中气孔的研究现状[J]. 机械工程材料, 2021, 45(11): 97~102

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