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Annular Fracture Reason of Super 13Cr Oil Tubing Used in High Pressure and High Temperature Gas Well

摘    要
标    签 高温高压气井   超级13Cr油管   应力腐蚀开裂   环空保护液   HPHT gas well   super 13Cr oil tubing   stress corrosion cracking   annular protection fluid  
The aging reasons for annulus fracture failure of super 13Cr tubing used in a high temperature and high pressure gas wells were analyzed by means of chemical composition analysis, mechanical performance analysis and microstructure observation. The results showed that there were a large number of dendritic cracks on the outer surface of the failed tubing, and the surface had a multi-layer corrosion product structure. The fracture belonged to stress corrosion cracking. Phosphate annulus protection fluid contaminated by drilling fluid was the main environmental factor leading to failure. The leakage of annulus protection fluid led to the formation of high casing pressure difference and thus caused high hoop tensile stress on the outer surface of the tubing, which was the main force factor leading to failure.

中图分类号 TG172   DOI 10.11973/fsyfh-202202013


所属栏目 失效分析

基金项目 国家重大专项(2016ZX05051003);中石油股份重大专项(2018E-1809)

收稿日期 2020/6/21




引用该论文: GENG Hailong,LONG Yan,ZHAO Mifeng,FU Anqing,ZHANG Xuesong,WANG Peng,XU Penghai. Annular Fracture Reason of Super 13Cr Oil Tubing Used in High Pressure and High Temperature Gas Well[J]. Corrosion & Protection, 2022, 43(2): 68

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