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Cracking Cause of 700L Steel Trailer Frame Beam and Improvement

摘    要
标    签 700L钢制车架大梁   疲劳断裂   疲劳极限   混晶   应力集中   700L steel frame beam   fatigue cracking   fatigue limit   mixed crystal   stress concentration  
700L steel trailer frame beam products in an enterprise under lower service lives cracked. The reason for cracking of the beam was analyzed by testing the fracture morphology, chemical composition, microstructure, mechanical properties, fatigue performance and service performance of the cracked beam, and comparing with those of the uncracked beam. The corresponding improvement was put forward. The results show that the structure of the cracked 700L steel trailer frame beam had mixed crystal phenomenon, led to low toughness and fatigue limit. Under the alternating load, stress concentration occurred at the position between the spring support and the reinforcing plate on the lower wing surface of the beam and the connection between the saddle plate and the beam. Microcracks initiated and growth at the stress concentration position, and eventually led to fatigue fracture of the frame beam. To reduce the risk of cracking, the final rolling temperature should be lowered slightly, and C-shaped reinforcing plate was placed near the inner side of the lower wing surface of the gooseneck to decrease stress concentration of the beam under service conditions.

中图分类号 U463.3   DOI 10.11973/jxgccl202211017


所属栏目 失效分析

基金项目 国家重点研发计划重点专项项目(2017YFB0304405);重庆市科技创新领军人才支持计划项目(CSTCCXLJR201901)

收稿日期 2021/8/4

修改稿日期 2022/8/31




引用该论文: ZHOU Song,FENG Yi,GAO Xiang,SUN Dai,SHEN Juan,WANG Binhua. Cracking Cause of 700L Steel Trailer Frame Beam and Improvement[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2022, 46(11): 102~110
周松,冯毅,高翔,孙岱,申娟,王彬花. 700L钢制挂车车架大梁开裂原因及改善措施[J]. 机械工程材料, 2022, 46(11): 102~110

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