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Cause of Pin Fracture for Low Pressure Rotor Blade Fork-Type Blade Root

摘    要
标    签 叉形叶根   销钉   腐蚀点坑   弯曲应力   应力腐蚀   fork-type blade root   pin   corrosion pit   bending stress   stress corrosion  
In a 660 MW ultra-supercritical machine of a coastal power plant, cracking occurred at the end of the secondary blade fork-type blade root pins of the A and B low-pressure rotors, and the cracking causes of the pins were studied by macro/micromorphology observation, chemical composition analysis, microstructure observation and mechanical property tests. The results show that stress corrosion cracking occurred in the pin. The microstructure of cracking pin steel was uneven, and macroscopic coarse grains existed. The stress corrosion sensitivity of the material was higher. Corrosive media existed in the pin hole, which caused corrosion pits forming on the surface of the pin. The corrosion products contained chlorine, sulfur and other elements. In the process of high-speed rotation of the steam turbine, the pin bore the bending stress caused by the centrifugal force of the blades, and microcracks germinated at the corrosion pit. Stress corrosion cracking occurred.

中图分类号 TG172.3   DOI 10.11973/jxgccl202212015


所属栏目 失效分析


收稿日期 2021/7/7

修改稿日期 2022/11/9




引用该论文: DENG Hui,WU Wensheng,WU Xuliang,YUAN Hongyu,XIE Zhaozeng. Cause of Pin Fracture for Low Pressure Rotor Blade Fork-Type Blade Root[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2022, 46(12): 91~97
邓辉,吴文生,吴旭良,袁红玉,谢照增. 低压转子叶片叉型叶根销钉开裂原因[J]. 机械工程材料, 2022, 46(12): 91~97

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