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The magnetic flux leakage detection of wire ropes based on empirical mode decomposition

摘    要
标    签 无损检测   经验模态分解   钢丝绳   损伤识别   nondestructive testing   empirical mode decomposition   wire rope   damage identification  
Wire rope is more and more widely used in industrial production. Its safety has become increasingly prominent. In the field of wire rope nondestructive testing, magnetic flux leakage testing is the most mature and widely used method. However, it is difficult to extract defect features directly from the signals of magnetic flux leakage testing due to the influence of testing environment. Therefore, a defect detection method based on empirical mode decomposition is proposed to detect defects. Firstly, the noise component in magnetic flux leakage signal is removed via wavelet and adaptive soft threshold method. Then, the obtained signal is decomposed by empirical mode decomposition, and the weakly related components are further processed by the wavelet method to extract the weak useful information. Finally, the signal is reconstructed by combining the weak information with the moderately related and above components, thus extracting the damage characteristics and determining damage types and damage locations. The proposed method achieves the maximum utilization of the wire rope in the safety available range with a good economic benefits.

中图分类号 TD532 TH17 TN911.7 TG115.28   DOI 10.11973/wsjc202302005


所属栏目 试验研究

基金项目 国家自然科学基金(52075236);西安科技大学开放基金(SKL-MEEIM201901)

收稿日期 2022/8/7





引用该论文: HUANG Shanshan,LI Zhinong,MAO Qinghua,PAN Chuyuan,ZHANG Wenkui. The magnetic flux leakage detection of wire ropes based on empirical mode decomposition[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2023, 45(2): 23~27
黄姗姗,李志农,毛清华,潘初元,张文魁. 基于经验模态分解的钢丝绳缺陷漏磁检测[J]. 无损检测, 2023, 45(2): 23~27

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