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Research Progress on Application of Chemometrics in Identification of Accelerants

摘    要
标    签 化学计量学   助燃剂   物证鉴定   火灾调查   法庭科学   chemometrics   accelerant   evidence identification   fire investigation   forensic science  
Chemometrics have been widely applied for data processing and analysis in the field of forensic science, especially for the physical and chemical examination of physical evidence. To understand the research progress of its application in the identification of accelerant, the representative relevant domestic and foreign research in recent years was reviewed. The application of chemometrics in the evaluation of qualitative, classification, and physical evidence validity in the identification of accelerants were summarized, including the elimination of interference, the differentiation of brands and categories of accelerants, and the calculation of likelihood ratios in the identification of accelerants, and its application prospect was prospected (49 ref. cited).

中图分类号 O65   DOI 10.11973/lhjy-hx202306021


所属栏目 综述

基金项目 公安部技术研究计划(No.2020JSYJC24)

收稿日期 2022/1/17





引用该论文: LI-QIU Fanzi,JIN Jing,QIAN Peiwen,YIN Guo,LIU Ling,DENG Liang. Research Progress on Application of Chemometrics in Identification of Accelerants[J]. Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis part B:Chemical Analysis, 2023, 59(6): 738~744
李秋璠梓,金静,钱佩雯,殷果,刘玲,邓亮. 化学计量学应用在助燃剂检验鉴定中的研究进展[J]. 理化检验-化学分册, 2023, 59(6): 738~744

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 数据海啸中化学计量学的领航人——对话荷兰内梅亨大学Lutgarde Buydens教授