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Evaluation of interface damages in double-layer heterogeneous conductor via transient eddy current testing

摘    要
标    签 暂态涡流检测   双层异质金属构件   界面损伤   transient eddy current testing   double-layer heterogeneous conductor   interface damage  
The Double-layer Heterogeneous Conductor (DHC) such as the lap-joint copper-aluminum transition terminal clamp is widely used in pivotal engineering fields including energy, aerospace, etc. The unstable welding control conditions would leave the welding interface vulnerable to interface damages such as the wall-thinning defect in the conductive layer, it is imperative to detect and evaluate welding-interface damages with effective nondestructive evaluation techniques. In this paper Transient Eddy Current (TEC) inspection of the wall-thinning defect occurring at the welding interface of a lap-joint copper-aluminum transition terminal clamp was intensively investigated. The characteristics of the TEC response to the interface damage were scrutinized via finite element analysis. A TEC signal feature and assessment method for evaluation of the wall-thinning defect were proposed. In parallel, an experimental platform of TEC inspection of DHC was built up for further investigation regarding imaging and evaluation of the wall-thinning defect at the welding interface. From the results of simulations and experiments, it was found that the proposed TEC signal feature and evaluation method were capable of quantitatively evaluating the interface damage of the lap-joint copper-aluminum transition terminal clamp.

中图分类号 TG115.28   DOI 10.11973/wsjc202309011


所属栏目 2023远东无损检测新技术论坛论文精选

基金项目 国家科技部重大专项项目(2019YFE03130003);国家自然科学基金项目(52177007,52311540018,11927801);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(XZY022022011)

收稿日期 2023/7/6





引用该论文: REN Yanzhao,LI Yong,SU Bingjie,XIANG Yi,LIU Zhengshuai,REN Shuting,CHEN Zhenmao. Evaluation of interface damages in double-layer heterogeneous conductor via transient eddy current testing[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2023, 45(9): 54~60
任延钊,李勇,苏冰洁,向异,刘正帅,任淑廷,陈振茂. 双层异质金属构件界面损伤的暂态涡流定量检测[J]. 无损检测, 2023, 45(9): 54~60

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