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Texture Evolution of Cold-rolled Al-1.8Cu-0.4Mg-0.4Mn Aluminum Alloy

摘    要
标    签 Al-1.8Cu-0.4Mg-0.4Mn合金   织构   冷轧   再结晶   Al-1.8Cu-0.4Mg-0.4Mn aluminum alloy   texture   cold-rolling   recrystallization  
Al-1.8Cu-0.4Mg-0.4Mn aluminum alloy was cold-rolled with different reductions and the texture evolution was investigated.The results show that textures of the samples initially cold-rolled are typical copper-type but with strong G component which got maximum at 70% reduction.Recrystallization texture after annealing is random.However,weak {001}〈110〉 rotated cube component appeares in the sample which was cold-rolled initially with 50% reduction and heated step by step for annealing and finally cold-rolled with 80% reduction.Copper-type texture appeares in the sample that was cold-rolled initially with 70% reduction,and then processe in the same way mentioned above.But after rapidly heating annealing,the sample with 50% initial rolling reduction and 80% final rolling reduction,have strong {001}〈110〉 rotated cube component.The sample with 70% initial rolling reduction and 80% final rolling reduction have weak {001}〈110〉 rotated cube component.

中图分类号 TG111.7




收稿日期 2006/11/17

修改稿日期 2006/12/31




引用该论文: BAO Lei,WU Bao-lin,DU Xing-hao. Texture Evolution of Cold-rolled Al-1.8Cu-0.4Mg-0.4Mn Aluminum Alloy[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2007, 31(9): 18~22
宝磊,武保林,杜兴蒿. Al-1.8Cu-0.4Mg-0.4Mn合金冷轧织构的演变[J]. 机械工程材料, 2007, 31(9): 18~22

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