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Magnetic Nondestructive Testing of Fatigue Damage of Ferromagnetic Material

摘    要
标    签 铁磁材料   疲劳损伤   磁巴克豪森噪声   磁声发射   磁记忆   Ferromagnetic material   Fatigue damage   Magnetic Barkhausen noise   Magnetic acoustic emission   Magnetic memory  
Failure of ferromagnetic structural members is always associated with fatigue. Evaluation of fatigue damage degree of ferromagnetic materials is very important in engineering field. Magnetic nondestructive testing plays an important role in fatigue damage evaluation of ferromagnetic materials. The basic principles, characteristics and applications of magnetic Barkhausen noise(MBN), magnetic acoustic emission(MAE), metal magnetic memory(MMM) methods were presented. The present problems of three magnetic nondestructive methods were summarized. The potential application and future development of the three new methods were expected.

中图分类号 TG115.28


所属栏目 综 述

基金项目 自然科学基金资助项目(50235030);“十五”预先研究项目(41327030202)

收稿日期 2005/1/20




引用该论文: DONG Li-hong,XU Bin-shi,ZHU Sheng,DONG Shi-yun. Magnetic Nondestructive Testing of Fatigue Damage of Ferromagnetic Material[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2006, 28(5): 245~248
董丽虹,徐滨士,朱 胜,董世运. 铁磁材料疲劳损伤的磁性无损检测技术[J]. 无损检测, 2006, 28(5): 245~248


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