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The Development of Overseas Simulation Software for Ultrasonic Testing

摘    要
对法国原子能委员会开发的CIVA,瑞典无损检测模拟中心开发的simSUNDT,加拿大的UTEX科学仪器公司开发的Imagine3D以及美国爱荷华州立大学无损评价中心开发的UTSim等超声检测仿真软件进行了介绍。重点介绍了CIVA中超声仿真单元的三个模块——计算探头超声场的Beam Computation模块和计算超声场与各类缺陷之间相互作用的Mephisto、Defect Response模块,以及CIVA在数据分析、性能验证和检测方法的设计等方面的应用。
标    签 超声检测   仿真   软件   Ultrasonic testing   Simulation   Software  
The developments of overseas simulation software for ultrasonic testing are reviewed in this paper. And some overseas softwares - CIVA(developed by French Atomic Energy Commission), simSUNDT(developed by Swedish Simulation Centre for NDT), Imagine3D(developed by Canadian UTEX Scientific Instruments Inc.), UTSim(developed by Center for Nondestructive Evaluation of Iowa State University) - are presented. According to the developments of softwares, CIVA is chose as the main object of the paper, because it is the typical representative of them. Three simulation modules (Beam Computation Module used for calculating ultrasonic fields, Mephisto Module and Defect Response Module used for calculating interaction between ultrasonic field and defects) and the applications of CIVA in data analyzing, performance demonstration and design of inspection methods are introduced.

中图分类号 TG115.28


所属栏目 综 述

基金项目 中国广东核电集团纵向课题资助项目(CGNPC2006T090)

收稿日期 2007/8/22




备注单洪彬(1981- ),男,工程师,从事超声仿真技术的研究。

引用该论文: SHAN HongBin,LI Ming,CHEN HuaiDong,LV TianMing. The Development of Overseas Simulation Software for Ultrasonic Testing[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2008, 30(7): 446~450
单洪彬,李明,陈怀东,吕天明. 国外超声检测仿真软件的研究进展[J]. 无损检测, 2008, 30(7): 446~450


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