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Ultrasonic Vibration Polishing Method for Displaying Ultra-fine Pearlite Lamellas

摘    要
高强度高碳钢丝的显微组织为变形珠光体, 组织极细, 片层间距为纳米级, 采用常规的制样方法难以将其清晰表征。笔者在国内首次采用超声振动抛光技术来显示极细珠光体的显微组织, 主要流程包括常规金相制样、机械磨抛、精细抛光和超声振动抛光等, 经制样后在场发射扫描电镜下可以对高碳钢丝盘条及其大变形(真应变ε=1.79)钢丝的组织结构细节进行全面而深入的表征。结果表明: 采用超声波振动抛光技术, 不仅可以清晰地显示极细珠光体片层, 还能显示出珠光体中渗碳体的形态, 进而深入研究其显微组织的演化规律。
标    签 超声振动抛光   大变形钢丝   极细珠光体片层   渗碳体   ultrasonic vibration polishing   deep-drawn steel wire   ultra-fine pearlite lamella   cementite  
It was hard to characterize the deformed pearlite with ultra-fine microstructure in high-strength wires with high carbon content by traditional sample preparation methods, whose lamellar spacing with nanometer-size was very thin. The ultrasonic vibration polishing technology was adopted to display the microstructure of ultra-fine pearlite lamellas for the first time in China. The sample preparation procedure included traditional sampling, mechanical grinding, finer polishing, ultrasonic vibration polishing and so on. The microstructure of steel wire rods with high carbon content and their deep-drawn steel wires (the true strain was 1.79) could be characterized entirely and deeply by field emission scanning electronic microscope. The morphology of cementite could be shown clearly by ultrasonic vibration polishing technology as well as the ultra-fine pearlite lamellas, and the evolution rule of their microstructure could be further researched deeply.

中图分类号 TG115.21   DOI 10.11973/lhjy-wl201611008

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所属栏目 试验技术与方法


收稿日期 2015/12/19




备注高加强(1977-), 男, 高级工程师, 博士, 主要从事钢铁材料显微分析及钢铁制品失效分析工作,

引用该论文: GAO Jia-qiang,WANG Jun-yi. Ultrasonic Vibration Polishing Method for Displaying Ultra-fine Pearlite Lamellas[J]. Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis part A:Physical Testing, 2016, 52(11): 786~789
高加强,王军艺. 极细珠光体片层的超声振动抛光显示方法[J]. 理化检验-物理分册, 2016, 52(11): 786~789

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