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Ultrasonic Testing and Evaluation of the Cleanliness of Metallic Materials Based on Statistical Method

摘    要
金属材料的纯净度是衡量材料性能的重要指标, 传统的材料纯净度超声评价方法存在着缺陷等级划分依据不足、不同级别缺陷的权重系数设置方法单一等缺点。以95CrMo钢冶炼过程中的六个过程样为试验材料, 研究了基于统计方法的金属材料纯净度超声检测与评价方法, 提出了新的缺陷等级划分与权重系数设置方法来计算纯净度评价指数, 并对材料内部的缺陷进行了三维空间成像, 从而使得评价结果更为全面、准确。通过金相显微镜对六个过程样表面的缺陷数目进行统计, 验证了超声评价方法的有效性。
标    签 纯净度   超声   缺陷等级   权重系数   Cleanliness   Ultrasonic   Defect level   Weight coefficient  
The cleanliness of metallic material is an important indicator to measure material properties. There are many disadvantages in traditional ultrasonic evaluation method, such as the lacking basis of defect level division and the single weight coefficient setting for different levels of defect. Six process samples of 95CrMo steel were used as experimental materials to study ultrasonic testing and evaluation method of the cleanliness of metallic materials based on statistical method. New method of defect level division and weight coefficient setting were proposed in this article, and the defects in materials were 3-Dimaged, making the evaluation results more comprehensive and accurate. The ultrasonic evaluation method is proved effective by using metalloscope to count the number of defects on the surface of 6 process samples.

中图分类号 TG142.71 TG115.28   DOI 10.11973/wsjc201612011

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所属栏目 试验研究

基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51575038)

收稿日期 2016/7/20




备注苟继军(1978-), 男, 硕士, 主要从事工程项目管理工作。

引用该论文: GOU Ji-jun,WANG Chun-hao,DENG Jin-hua. Ultrasonic Testing and Evaluation of the Cleanliness of Metallic Materials Based on Statistical Method[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2016, 38(12): 44~51
苟继军,王春好,邓金华. 基于统计方法的金属材料纯净度超声检测与评价[J]. 无损检测, 2016, 38(12): 44~51

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