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Cause of Cracking of Inconel600 Alloy Tube after Cold Drawing

摘    要
标    签 Inconel600合金管   冷拉拔   纵向开裂   非金属夹杂物   Inconel600 alloy tube   cold drawing   longitudinal cracking   non-metallic inclusion  
Inconel600 alloy tube treated by solution and cold rolling cracked longitudinally after repeated cold drawing, and the cracking reason for Inconel600 alloy tube was studied from the aspects of microstructure, non-metallic inclusion, cracking morphology, mechanical properties, processing properties, and solution treatment. The results show that the content of nitrogen was high in the Inconel600 alloy tube, and there were a lot of oxide and nitride formed during smelting process. During cold rolling before cold drawing, the oxide and nitride were chain-like distributed along the rolling direction, and large chain inclusions destroyed the uniform continuity of matrix. During repeated drawing process, stresses were concentrated on the inclusions, leading to microcrack initiation here and propagation, and eventually the alloy tube cracked longitudinally.

中图分类号 TG142.3   DOI 10.11973/jxgccl202106003


所属栏目 试验研究


收稿日期 2020/6/4

修改稿日期 2021/3/21




引用该论文: DAI Wei,ZHU Xiang,KANG Wenjie,JIN Shugang. Cause of Cracking of Inconel600 Alloy Tube after Cold Drawing[J]. Materials for mechancial engineering, 2021, 45(6): 14~19
代维,朱祥,康文捷,靳书港. Inconel600合金管冷拉拔开裂原因[J]. 机械工程材料, 2021, 45(6): 14~19

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