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Method System in Different Pharmacopoeias and Application Progress in Study of Inorganic Components of Traditional Chinese Medicine of ICP-MS

摘    要
标    签 电感耦合等离子体质谱法   药典   方法体系   应用进展   无机元素   中药   ICP-MS   pharmacopoeia   method system   application progress   inorganic element   traditional Chinese medicine  
In order to scientifically guide the establishment of safety standards for traditional Chinese medicines and rationally evaluate the safety and effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicines, method general rules and technical systems about ICP-MS, including HPLC-ICP-MS in the Chinese, American and European pharmacopoeias compared, and method systems in the pharmacopoeias and technical specifications and scopes of application in the analysis of healy metal and harmful elements and their element forms or valences about ICP-MS in traditional Chinese medicines (animal medicine, botanical medicine or mineral medicine) were reviewed. The application progress of ICP-MS in the safety evaluation and risk assessment of the inorganic components of traditional Chinese medicines, the inorganic element spectrum and quality evaluation, and the form and valence of harmful elements were reviewed by the sorting of relevant references. The application prospects of new technologies and methods in traditional Chinese medicine research were prospected (57 references cited).

中图分类号 O657.63   DOI 10.11973/lhjy-hx202107018


所属栏目 专题报道(XRFS)

基金项目 国家重点研发计划(2017YFC1700800)

收稿日期 2021/5/26





引用该论文: LI Limin,ZHOU Rujie,CAO Shuai,MAO Xiuhong,HU Qing,JI Shen. Method System in Different Pharmacopoeias and Application Progress in Study of Inorganic Components of Traditional Chinese Medicine of ICP-MS[J]. Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis part B:Chemical Analysis, 2021, 57(7): 665~672
李丽敏,周如洁,曹帅,毛秀红,胡青,季申. 电感耦合等离子体质谱法在不同药典中的方法体系和在中药无机成分研究中的应用进展[J]. 理化检验-化学分册, 2021, 57(7): 665~672

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