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Formation and Hazards of Corrosion Product β-FeOOH on Iron Cultural Relics

摘    要
标    签 铁质文物   腐蚀产物   腐蚀机理   四方纤铁矿   氯化物   iron cultural relic   corrosion product   corrosion mechanism   akaganeite   chloride  
The crystal structure of β-FeOOH, one of corrosion products of iron cultural relics, as well as its formation process and hazards to iron cultural relics are introduced. β-FeOOH crystal has a tunnel structure, the tunnel usually contains Cl- ions, and the crystal surface also adsorbs Cl- ions. β-FeOOH is a key corrosion product of iron cultural relics affected by Cl- ions, and commonly is formed through hydrolysis and oxidation of FeCl2 or Fe2(OH)3 Cl after excavation. The formation process of β-FeOOH mainly causes rapid deterioration of iron cultural relics, and it will participate in the further corrosion process after formation. The Cl- ions adsorbed on the surface of crystal will directly induce new corrosion, and the Cl- ions in the tunnel structure are potential risks in long-term preservation of iron cultural relics. β-FeOOH is a harmful corrosion product to iron cultural relics and should be treated in a targeted manner during the conservation of iron cultural relics.

中图分类号 K876.42   DOI 10.11973/fsyfh-202111001


所属栏目 专论

基金项目 国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFC1522100);国家文物局重点科研基地自筹经费科研项目(2020ZCK111)

收稿日期 2019/12/12




引用该论文: ZHANG Ran. Formation and Hazards of Corrosion Product β-FeOOH on Iron Cultural Relics[J]. Corrosion & Protection, 2021, 42(11): 1

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