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Establishment of Corrosion Prediction Model for Water Transmission Pipeline in K Shale Gas Field

摘    要
基于K页岩气田输水管道输水管道的基本运行参数,采用OLGA模拟软件,确定了管道的腐蚀敏感区域及其运行参数;根据管道的运行参数进行了高温高压反应釜试验, 结果表明:在模拟管段腐蚀敏感区域条件下,试样的实测腐蚀速率为0. 064 8~0. 105 6 mm/a,内腐蚀程度为中度腐蚀。建立的腐蚀预测模型的最大误差为3. 9%,准确性较高。
标    签 页岩气田输水管道   腐蚀敏感区域   高温高压反应釜实验   腐蚀预测模型   water transmission pipeline of shale gas field   corrosion sensitive areas   high temperature and high pressure reactor experiment   corrosion prediction model  
Based on the basic data of on-site water transmission pipeline, OLGA was used to simulate the pipeline flow parameters, and the corrosion sensitive area and its working condition parameters were determined. According to the working condition parameters, the high-temperature and high-pressure reactor experiment was formulated, and the corrosion degree in the pipeline was determined. Combined with multiple linear regression method, the corrosion prediction model was established. The results showed that the experimental corrosion rate ranged from 0. 064 8 to 0. 105 6 mm/a under the condition of the simulation of corrosion sensistive area of the pipeline, and the internal corrosion was moderate. The corrosion prediction model was established, and the maximum error was 3. 9%, which indicated that the model had high accuracy.

中图分类号 TE49   DOI 10.11973/fsyfh-202310014


所属栏目 应用技术


收稿日期 2022/9/10




引用该论文: LIAO Kexi,JIANG Pan,LIU Xin,CHEN Lujie,XIAN Jun,HE Guoxi,ZOU Qing. Establishment of Corrosion Prediction Model for Water Transmission Pipeline in K Shale Gas Field[J]. Corrosion & Protection, 2023, 44(10): 78

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