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Research progress on defect recognition and classification by using phased array ultrasonic testing

摘    要
标    签 相控阵超声   超声无损检测   超声成像   缺陷识别与分类   phased array ultrasonic   ultrasonic nondestructive testing   ultrasonic imaging   defect recognition and classification  
Phased array ultrasonic technology is one of the key research directions in the field of nondestructive testing in recent years and has made rapid development, among which defect recognition and classification based on ultrasonic phased array imaging is one of the research hotspots. This paper summarized the basic principles of ultrasonic phased array nondestructive testing and introduced representative defect recognition and classification algorithms, including support vector machines, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, neural evolutionary algorithms, and algorithms based on deep learning. Finally, it pointed out the challenges of existing defect recognition and classification algorithms and put forward the development direction of ultrasonic phased array defect recognition and classification.

中图分类号 TG115.28   DOI 10.11973/wsjc202312007


所属栏目 “2023 Evident杯相控阵超声检测技术优秀论文评选”活动获奖论文


收稿日期 2023/4/26





引用该论文: LIU Chunhua,ZHOU Changlin,CHEN Xiaohui,CHEN Qin. Research progress on defect recognition and classification by using phased array ultrasonic testing[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2023, 45(12): 31~37
刘春华,周长霖,陈晓辉,陈钦. 相控阵超声检测缺陷识别与分类研究进展[J]. 无损检测, 2023, 45(12): 31~37

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