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Application of Electrical Impedance Tomography on Water Seepage Nondestructive Testing of Cementitious Material

摘    要
为探索对水泥基材料渗水状态的无损检测新方法,采用动态电阻抗成像技术(Electrical Impedance Tomography, EIT)对渗水的水泥圆盘试件进行了断层图像重建。通过搭建16电极EIT系统,基于注入电流采集电压的方式,用相邻电极激励测量方法获得成像数据,运用基于等位线反投影方法的电阻抗成像技术进行图像重构,并对比分析了EIT方法与红外热成像法的优缺点。结果表明:动态EIT方法可以对水泥圆盘的渗水状况进行可视化处理,能定位渗水区域范围:相对红外热成像法,动态EIT方法不仅能检测材料表面渗水状况,还能对不利于目测观察的内部渗水进行检测。该研究可为水泥结构物渗水的原位无损检测提供新的思路和参考。
标    签 水泥基材料   渗水   等位线反射投影方法   电阻抗成像   无损检测   Cementitious material   Water seepage   Equipotential back-projection method   Electrical impedance tomography   Nondestructive testing  
This paper presents a novel method, the dynamic electrical impedance tomography (EIT), for water seepage nondestructive testing in a cementitious cylinder. In this work, an EIT measurement system including 16 electrodes was designed to implement adjacent stimulation pattern with current injection and voltage acquisition mode. The Equipotential Back-Projection Method was used to process the original data, and then to image the water seepage situation of the specimen. In order to get the advantages and disadvantages of EIT technology, infrared thermography technology has been investigated and compared. The results show the capabilities of EIT technology for water seepage detection in cementitious material/structures. Moreover, EIT can detect water seepage on the material surface, and image the internal seepage which is not suitable for direct observation. This study is beneficial to the development of nondestructive water seepage testing for cementitious material/structures.

中图分类号 TG115.28   DOI 10.11973/wsjc201704006


所属栏目 混凝土无损检测专题


收稿日期 2016/9/22





引用该论文: ZHOU Xiao-yong,YU Jia-gan,LI Tian-jun,ZHOU Chuan-bo. Application of Electrical Impedance Tomography on Water Seepage Nondestructive Testing of Cementitious Material[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2017, 39(4): 26~30
周小勇,余佳干,李田军,周传波. 电阻抗成像技术在水泥基材料渗水检测中的应用[J]. 无损检测, 2017, 39(4): 26~30

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