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Image Reconstruction for Steel Reinforced ECC Based on Electrical Conductivity Tomography

摘    要
采用动态电导率断层成像技术(ECT)对两个配筋ECC圆柱盘进行了图像重建,探索了一种新的混凝土结构无损检测技术。用基于全变差正则化的主双内点(TV-PDIPM)算法和基于Newton迭代法的单步误差重构(NOSER) 算法对单目标模型和双目标模型进行了图像重建。应用钢筋位置处的整体偏差、中心定位偏差、形状偏差和重影偏差为质量评判指标,用等值线图法对比分析了这两种动态图像重建算法。不同算例的分析结果表明:电导率成像技术可用于配筋ECC的图像重构:NOSER算法和TV-PDIPM算法都能较准确地反演钢筋位置、形状等特征,后者的整体成像质量好。该工作可为钢筋混凝土无损检测技术的发展提供参考。
标    签 配筋ECC   无损检测   电导率成像   图像重构   Reinforced ECC   Nondestructive testing   Electrical conductivity tomography   Image reconstruction  
This paper presents a study on the feasibility of new nondestructive testing technology for steel reinforced ECC structures. We apply Electrical Conductivity Tomography (ECT) for two reinforced concrete circular plates, with model 1 being the embedded single steel in the center, and the model 2 being with two steels in the center and right side respectively. In this work, the main focus is on investigating the capability of ECT for steel location and image quality by use of four evaluation criteria: amplitude total over image, position error target to blob center, shape deformation match blob to equal area circle and amplitude of inverted image area. Newton's one-step error reconstruction (NOSER) and Total variation primal dual-interior point method (TV-PDIPM) were used to simulate the reconstruction images. The results indicate that ECT can be a feasible modality for nondestructive evaluation of steel reinforced ECC structures. NOSER and TV-PDIPM can both present the location, shape of embedded objects effectively, and the latter can get more accurate information in total. The study provides a reference for nondestructive testing technology of reinforced concrete structures.

中图分类号 TG115.28 TU446.3   DOI 10.11973/wsjc201704007


所属栏目 混凝土无损检测专题

基金项目 湖北省面上基金资助项目(2013CFB187)

收稿日期 2016/10/12





引用该论文: ZHOU Xiao-yong,YU Jia-gan,LI Tian-jun,JIN Wen-cheng. Image Reconstruction for Steel Reinforced ECC Based on Electrical Conductivity Tomography[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2017, 39(4): 31~37
周小勇,余佳干,李田军,金文成. 配筋ECC电导率断层成像的图像重构[J]. 无损检测, 2017, 39(4): 31~37

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